Explore Mexico from Our Reflections
Local knowledge from real facts of life to help you enjoy Mexico

Photo by Sergio Gonzalez on Unsplash
Looking for a lifestyle change
Change, well, change is not always easy. It comes with some risk, some uncertainty, a lot of questions and many hard decisions. However, it does not have to be unpleasant, even less so if you plan well for the change that is to come.
For you, who has decided to make a new life in Mexico City, a modified lifestyle will bring some adjustments and make you feel overwhelmed at times. It's okay to second guess your decision as you try to make yourself comfortable while living in Mexico City.
But do not fall into despair because you failed to look into everything, including the useless facts about living in Mexico. Open your mind and prepare beforehand for your new life in Mexico. After all, you deserve a good standard of living in Mexico City that won't affect your comfort here.
Why I wrote a guide to Mexico City
I often thought, “Wow, if I only knew that before!” I was really shocked by the lack of support and the unwillingness to help, both from authorities and citizens living in Mexico. The phrase, “This is Mexico, it's always been like this,” became a common excuse for inaction.
Fed up, our frustration became the driving force to help others prepare for the reality to expect before moving to Mexico. So I wrote these tips back in 2018, but I can honestly say that I could have written them when we first arrived in Mexico in 2004. They are still relevant 17 years later, as if there was no urgency to change.
It actually works out because recalling our everyday encounters will give you much needed insight into how life in Mexico really is. Our goal is to prepare you so that you can feel comfortable living in Mexico City while saving time and money. This way, you can enjoy life in Mexico City.
Great Content
I know there are a bunch of blogs and websites out there that claim to have all the answers to living in Mexico City. But when you click on them, all they talk about are the best bars, places to eat and so forth. Unfortunately, your life in Mexico City is not going to be all about partying.
There will be a lot going on and you will need to adapt because you will encounter more than one inconvenience. For instance, do you know what a cisterna is or how travel is affected because of the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?
Get a copy of my guide that is a compilation of simple, yet very useful tips. It details years of our life in Mexico City and reads like a short story. At first, you might not agree with how I state things because I am very direct and frank. But as you spend more time living in Mexico City, you will constantly hear my words silently in your mind.
They will increase your comfort and raise your quality of life in Mexico City. Another advantage is that all tips are universal and can be applied to other parts of Mexico.
Even if you believe that you are fully prepared, my suggestions will be helpful. At the very least, they will be entertaining and bring a smile to your face. Learn from our mistakes because if nothing else, it has definitely been an adventure. Living in Mexico is much more than negative press.